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How To Upgrade Your Bathroom on a Budget

Posted by Debi Wilson

When it comes to bathroom refurbishment, the plethora of choices available can seem both confusing and expensive, but this need not be the case. With planning and vision, you can create the effect of a complete bathroom overhaul without breaking the budget. Check out these tips to find out how.

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1) Keep Your Plumbing

Some of the most expensive bathroom installation costs come from changing around pipework and plumbing, especially if this means moving drains and external pipes. For a far easier bathroom upgrade, try to keep the layout roughly the same so that much of the existing pipework can be used even with a new bathroom suite. This ensures your current plumbing is in useable condition.

2) Consider a Shower Pod

If you are thinking of upgrading your shower, costs soon mount up when you need a new shower tray, doors, and wall tiles. An integrated shower pod can be a far cheaper option, as it comprises everything you need in one unit, so you won't have to buy everything separately. It can also help you save a small fortune in installation fees, as a shower pod can be installed in just a few hours by one person alone.

3) Save On Tiling

Tiling is very time-consuming, which equates to very expensive installation fees. If you have the opportunity, you might like to try your hand at tiling yourself. This way you could save on installation and feel a huge amount of satisfaction and ownership over your bathroom upgrade. Alternatively, think about reducing the amount of tiling your bathroom might need. Some walls look stunning with only plaster and paint, while wallpaper is another common trend in modern bathrooms that is far quicker and easier to install.

4) Think About Lighting

The lighting in a room can completely change its appearance and atmosphere. Look at the placement of windows to make the most of natural light and use well-positioned mirrors to help make the room feel bright and airy. Bathroom lighting comes in a huge range of choices to suit a variety of budgets. You might also consider installing candles to make your bathroom look and feel completely brand new.

5) Decorations and Accessories

The right decorations need not be expensive but could transform your bathroom very easily. Towel rails or shelving, trailing plants for added colour and carefully chosen pictures all give the bathroom character and charm. Choose accessories that compliment your colour scheme and give your bathroom a sense of identity so it feels more complete and luxurious.

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Upgrading your bathroom can be easier and less expensive than you might think, provided you take some time beforehand to explore some ideas and look for themes you really like. You might also be lucky enough to find some bathroom suites or accessories at a discounted price to help you save even more. Before you know it, your tired old bathroom could soon become an oasis of luxury. To find out more about our shower pod range and how they can transform any bathroom, please get in touch today, or download a copy of our free Ultimate Shower Pods Guide.

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