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Baths Vs Showers – How To Help The Planet!

Posted by Mark Peers


Water is the most vital resource on the planet. It is also one of the most vulnerable. Due to climate change, 2.7 billion people find water difficult to access, and the number is growing each year. Water scarcity also has a significant impact on the plants and animals that we not only share our planet with, but which we rely upon for our own survival. Can switching from a bath to a shower really make a difference? Let’s take a look.

The Home Builder's Guide to Shower Pods

Domestic Water Use And Climate Change

We’re taught in school that water is a resource locked in an infinite, natural recycling mechanism. This can often make water feel like something that – whilst it shouldn’t be wasted – has a minimal impact on issues such as climate change. However, statistics show the opposite. Studies have shown that domestic water use accounts for 6% of the UK’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, a third of the total emissions from the average home. This staggering carbon footprint is primarily due to the energy required to heat water, which accounts for 46% of household water use emissions.

Is There An Environmentally Responsible Way To Use Water In The Home?

Water management is one of the areas that usually requires radical changes to habits in order to improve. However, there are a few practical changes that can be made. These include investing in an ecologically-responsible dishwasher, fixing dripping taps promptly, or switching to a shower.

Are Showers Really More Eco-Friendly Than Baths?

There are several reasons why showers may help to reduce your carbon footprint. The first involves the amount of water used. An average bath contains around 135 litres of water, while a standard showerhead soaks you at a rate of 11 litres per minute. Working out which one is using less energy, therefore, becomes a question of how much time is spent in it. However, research shows that the average household uses significantly less water and energy when they shower rather than bathe. This is partly because showers often heat the water more efficiently than boilers, and partly because their efficiency means that people spend less time in them.

What Else Can I Do To Help The Planet With My Water Usage?

A great way is to explore the different types of shower and showerhead available. For example, water-reducing showerheads regulate the flow, control the spray pattern, and aerate the water, which can replicate a traditional shower experience while using 50% less water. If you want to find out whether a water-reducing showerhead could cut your water usage, Which? recommends placing a 2-litre container on the shower floor and running the shower for 12 seconds. If the bucket is full once the timer is up, a more efficient showerhead design could save both water and energy.

What Next?

At Advanced Showers, we are committed to playing our part in the global shift towards environmental responsibility. To find out more about ways that you can join in, have a chat with one of our sales advisers today.

Home Builder's Guide To Shower Pods

Image source: Pexels

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