Architects - Specify Shower Pods For An Innovative Design Your Clients Will Love!

Posted by Mark Peers

Architects - Specify Shower Pods For An Innovative Design Your Clients Will Love!.png

Constantly thinking up innovative and cost effective designs for client after client can be extremely tiring. However, if you’re still searching for ways to innovate, shower pods may just be the ticket you need to produce a competitive design loved by your client.

What Are Shower Pods?

Shower pods are lightweight shower cubicles that are designed and manufactured in two to four durable sections. This allows them to be fitted to any alcove with little hassle and can be customised if required.

Shower pods are made of lightweight yet tough high gloss polymer plastic, leading to a more durable shower than ever before. Shower pods also have the tray integrated with the rest of the cubicle to prevent leaks. The entire idea of a shower pod is a leak-proof shower, a selling point for developers looking to distinguish their properties in a competitive market and a great way to reduce maintenance needs on a large estate – e.g. at a University Halls of Residence.

How Are They Different To Tile & Tray Showers?

Due to the patented gasket joint system, there is no need for grout or mastic during installation. If you’ve ever experienced a shower that uses this, you’ll know how difficult it is to maintain and clean. Shower pods don’t have these issues. On top of this, there is no risk of tile breakage due to the lack of tiles in the design. Overall, this is a far cry from your traditional tile and tray shower. Shower pods have often been called the best kept secret of the construction industry, being used for over 20 years.

On top of this, shower pods can be incorporated into architectural drawings. This is especially true for alcove pods – shower pods designed to fit in alcoves. If you’ve got a space that may be difficult to put a traditional shower in, why not consider an alcove pod?

You may be worried about mentioning the slightly bigger upfront cost to your client, but don’t forget that the large amount of savings they’ll make means that shower pods actually work out cheaper than traditional tile and tray showers over the mid-to-long term, due to lack of maintenance needs.

What Types Are Available?

There are 8 standard sizes of shower pod with 21 available models. They range in type, from alcove pod to regular shower pod. They also come in a range of colours and finishes, making them suitable for any architectural project. However, if you need something a bit different for your next build, it’s easy to contact us to enquire about a custom shower pod to suit your needs. Your unit can be completely custom made from the ground up, meaning that the sky’s the limit when it comes to installing shower pods in tricky spaces.

Our customer service team are always happy to help you decide what kind of shower pod you need for your architectural project.

Final Thoughts

When looking for new ways to innovate for clients, it can be difficult to think of new ideas that are cost-effective. However, shower pods are a great way of saving your client time and money, giving your bid a competitive edge. The fast installation and amazing after-sales support from our team makes shower pods a feasible option for all types of residential design.

Download Our Free EBook!

If you want to know more about shower pods and how they can help you as an architect, we have a free EBook called The Shower Pods Guide, which is available to download by clicking here. It should answer many of your questions and perhaps maybe a few of your clients’ questions too. For all other questions, please pick up the phone and chat to one of our friendly customer service team.

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