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5 Benefits Of Commercial Shower Pods

Posted by Mark Peers

5 Benefits Of Commercial Shower Pods

Shower pods are growing in popularity with architects, facilities managers and developers of universities, hostels, boarding schools and other high usage types of accommodation. The reasons are quite obvious and reinforce the widespread belief that these ‘fit and forget’ shower pods represent the fastest implementation solution and deliver the longest trouble-free life of shower cubicle options.

1) Guaranteed Leakproof

Imagine shower cubicles where the sealant never degenerates, the tiles never lift and water never seeps in around the floor tray. This is the scenario with the special design features of shower pods from Advanced Showers.

  • Integral floor tray means no joins for water to leak through
  • Horizontal sections joined by special leakproof gasket design means no mastic required
  • High gloss, long lasting GRP body means no tiles to lift or grout to decay

Leaks are the bugbear of all shower installations – except when you specify shower pods.

2) Fast & Cheap To Install

The units are manufactured in our Coventry factory and delivered to your site on a call-off basis. Their sectional design means they are highly manoeuvrable though corridors and up stairways to the designated area. By contrast with traditional tile and tray shower construction, it only takes one tradesperson a few hours to install and commission a shower pod. That represents a huge labour cost saving on any development or refurbishment project. One of our satisfied customers reported that they were able to install 6 shower pods per day, which is incredible productivity.

3) Long Lasting

The GRP material from which the shower pods are manufactured boasts a lifespan of around 60 years. While this is impressive, the durability of the high gloss finish is also very important. The high gloss durable reinforced polymer of our shower pods continues to look great through high usage conditions and tough wear with no degradation of gloss, colour, finish or performance. There is no mastic to decay, no grout to go black and mouldy and no tiles to crack and lift.

4) Require Zero Maintenance

One of the main ongoing benefits of installing shower pods is their zero running cost. Conventional tile and tray shower cubicles have costs associated with them throughout their life. Every time they require attention there is a cost associated with that activity, be it repair, refurbishment or even just cleaning tiles and grout. Shower pods do not need attention, ever. This budgetary benefit lasts long beyond the initial build or refurbishment project and is of interest to all commercial users.

5) Wide Range Of Shapes & Sizes

Shower pods come in 3 shapes, 8 sizes and 21 models to suit almost any environment. What’s more, you can even design custom shapes and sizes to suit a specific requirement in your project. The standard range offers

  • 3 shapes – square, pentagon, quadrant to fit corners and alcoves
  • Models ranging from economy types with a shower curtain to luxurious and spacious high end options
  • Custom option means we can build moulds to your design and specifications
  • Many models are suitable for fitting accessories such as seating and lighting

The range of dimensions and specification means that you are highly likely to find a model to suit your project.

Download Our Shower Pods Guide

Find out more about these benefits in greater detail, and what exactly is involved in integrating shower pods into your design. Download our free eBook The Shower Pods Guide, which has all the information you require to answer most of your questions.

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