The Advanced Showers Blog

How Uneven Floors Can Lead To Water Leaks

Written by Debi Wilson | 01-Jul-2024 11:48:00

The principle of building up on level ground is as old as civilisation itself. Unfortunately, however, property developers don’t always have the luxury of building on a completely flat surface and frequently have to take the UK’s hilly topography as they find it.

The result is that many newly built properties in the UK have slightly uneven floors. These often go unnoticed to the untrained eye until a glass of wine is spilt and flows underneath the sofa as if by magic. This is an irritation, to be sure. However, the stakes get significantly raised when these slight discrepancies throw off the equilibrium of water systems and plumbing within the property.

One Of The Most Concerning Impacts Of An Uneven Floor Is The Misalignment It Can Cause In Essential Water Features.

For example, showers, baths, and sinks that don’t quite meet the floor at a consistent and flat surface can increase the risk of tiny leaks across the plumbing network. These leaks, while seemingly insignificant at first, have the potential to create a lasting damp problem, fostering a breeding ground for mildew and black mould, and damaging the floorboards and structure over time.

Repairing the leaks caused by this issue can be extremely costly for individual homeowners and landlords, not to mention the health timebomb that often accompanies the presence of chronic damp in a property. Damp living environments have been linked to a wide range of health problems, from asthma to insomnia.

What Can Be Done About This?

There is no magic solution to the problem of building on uneven ground. However, some styles of appliance are more adaptable to uneven floors than others, and unfortunately, many traditional shower cubicles are very difficult to sit flush with the floor if there is any unevenness.

Many issues associated with uneven floors can be prevented by greater awareness at the planning stage, which is why large-scale property development projects are preceded by thorough checks and surveys to flag up and remedy any discrepancies in the building surface before they affect the finished housing stock. Predictive planning models and thermal imaging can also help identify and mitigate the risk of uneven flooring.

Another cost-effective solution that property developers should consider when building on uneven ground is shower pods. Shower pods come with adjustable feet that can accommodate any floor camber, reducing the risk of leaks and subsequent water damage.

Find Out More

To find out more about our range of Advanced Showers shower pods, please get in touch with one of our experienced team.

Image Source: Canva